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            12 Weeks

Training like a boxer

This program is for everyone who is dedicated to achieving their objectives; for people who’ve never worn a boxing glove, up to the more advanced boxers. The 12-week program is built up based on your boxing experience and personal objectives. Whether it’s losing weight, building up muscle mass or learning how to box, we feel it’s our duty to help you achieve your goal!

•    Personal training
•    Nutrition advice
•    Measurable results
•    Allways reachable 9:00-23:00
•    24/7 Whats app
•    Learn the fundamentals
•    Reach your short term goal!

Are you exited? Reach out to us by click the link below!

                         Sports program

During the PTBoxing programs you use boxing techniques and possibly strength training. The content of the program depends entirely on your objective. You will receive personal training twice a week. First, we will talk to you to find out exactly what you want to change or learn. Based on your goals, the program is drawn up in which we see it as a challenge to let you box as well as possible in addition to achieving your goals. During the weeks you work on your body and build up a top condition.

Each workout will challenge you physically and mentally. You learn different techniques every training and work on new habits. Through a very varied program, PTBoxing strives for training sessions that you enjoy going to. The best training schedule is the one you can maintain.


What to expect


  1. Opmerkelijk vetverlies binnen 14 dagen

  2. Meer energie en levenskracht

  3. Betere slaappatronen

  4. Nieuwe gewoontes

  5. Verbeterde reflexen, stootkracht en balans

  6. Meetbare condititieverbetering

  7. Na 12 weken zal je slanker en zelfverzekerder terugkijken in de spiegel

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